Real-Time Response Review of
the 2019 Cyclone Idai Appeal

Real-Time Response Review of
the 2019 Cyclone Idai Appeal

To support its member agencies in improving their response and as part of its public accountability for the use of the funds raised through the Cyclone Idai Appeal, the DEC commissioned an independent real-time response review. The aim of the review was to generate reflection and learning in a participatory manner whilst the project was being implemented. This synthesis report complements the three country reports (Mozambique, Malawi, Zimbabwe) by providing overarching findings and recommendations. It can be read in conjunction with the country reports or as a standalone overview of the DEC member charities' response to Cyclone Idai.

Despite the unique challenges presented by cyclone responses such as the destruction of communications and other infrastructure, the review finds that the DEC’s response to Cyclone Idai was largely successful. The DEC provided a flexible source of funds that allowed members to adapt their responses quickly when circumstances required, addressed the needs that the communities said were most relevant, and provided means of accountability to those communities, it says. A particular strength highlighted is the diversity of DEC member charities, allowing for them to learn lessons and best practices from each other saving time and effort.

As well as the synthesised report featured on this page, individual country reports can be found here: