Women receiving an emergency aid in Pakistan

Pakistan Floods Appeal
Real-Time Response Review

Pakistan Floods Appeal
Real-Time Response Review

Women line up to receive Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance from Concern Worldwide and its implementing partners in Sindh, Pakistan on 15th September 2022.

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On 1st September 2022 the DEC launched the Pakistan Floods Appeal to respond to extensive humanitarian needs in the country following devastating floods.

In January 2023, the DEC commissioned a Real-time response review and an Affected Population perception survey in Pakistan which purpose is to instigate collective real-time reflection and learning to inform adjustments across DEC members to improve the delivery of humanitarian programmes.

The main focus of the response review and perception survey, both in the same report, is on the people and communities affected by the conflict with special attention to learning, quality and focus and the reports provide findings according to nine commitments from the Core Humanitarian Standard as well as recommendations to the DEC Secretariat, DEC members, their partners and beyond.